RGVR's FCC Response in 2018
"The base forefeiture amount for an "unauthorized transfer of control" set forth in the rules is $8000" FCC Media Bureau Agent Michael Wagner February 27 2018
FCC Consent to Crimes in 2022
"The Bureau and the Licensee have negotiated the terms of the Consent Decree that terminates the Investigation into the matters discussed above. As part of the Consent decree, the Licensee agrees to make a Civil Penalty payment of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) to the U.S.Treasury."
"Here, Green Lion filed its Petition without an affidavit to support the allegations raised within its pleading. Therefore, we find that the pleading is aprocedurally defective petition to deny and dismiss it as such." All submissions were filed online with the LMS and Mr. Clark never once asked if I was making a formal or informa petition nor asked if I would like to file an affidavit to support all my allegations while allowing the Objector to refile his 'Reply to Objections' delaying the procedure. Green Lion's petition being dismissed purely on procedural grounds allowing the FCC to fail in using its discretionary powers to investigate and protect the public interest.
Given the small amount of the fine for a serious violation and 2 separate signatory pages (6) with 2 different dates 6/17 and 6/21; we perceive impropriety and deriliction of duty to address graveous licensee character issues brought before the FCC Media Bureau and present in communications with the FCC throughout the Petition process. All email correspondence will be made public on www.minecountry1021.com and undisclosed phone conversations are left to speculation.